Saturday, June 30, 2012

Target's Move into Canada

Target is moving into Canada like a shot (bully's eye). Target, after acquiring more than 220 Zellers locations, will be opening in 2013 across the country. The big red balls outside their stores are not unfamiliar to us as many of us have crossed the border and shopped there. I actually prefer shopping in their clothes department as opposed to their competition. According to Target they will be employing 50% more employees than their predecessor, Zellers. What does this mean to Canadians? Jobs for all of their locations are beginning to show up on job boards. Many in the retail industry might be thinking of applying or have been solicited. I would love to hear from current Target employees in the U.S. What is your work experience with Target? What should we expect?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Your Latte Factor-Make your own Ice Cap/Coffee

You don't have to give up your little indulgences. Save money and make your own ice coffee at home for pennies a glass.
Don't throw out that left over coffee in the pot. Simply pour the excess into ice cube trays and freeze.
To make an individual size ice coffee, place 7 to 8 iced coffee cubes into a blender. Pour in cream (or use milk for low fat) till it covers approximately 3/4 of the iced coffee cubes. Add 4 tablespoons of your favourite chocolate powder or chocolate sauce. Blend until smooth.