Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Canada 101: A Primer for Americans courtesy of Leigh Patrick Sullivan

There have been many misconceptions swirling around down south about Canada. While lack of knowledge about America’s closest neighbor and ally is certainly not uncommon, current issues such as theKeystone XL pipeline have brought many to the surface.

In an effort to better educate our American cousins, here’s a quick primer on all things Canada. The best first step is to watch this video that NBC put together during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. >

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is Ontario the new California?

For the last several months no one has been manning the helm and it seems our ship is sinking.  Since Premier Dalton McGuinty resigned, the Liberals have spent the last few months electing the new Liberal Leader and Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne.  And let me tell you, she has her work cut out for her.

First is jobs.  Statistics released for January report a loss of  43,000 full time jobs and an increase of 11,600 part time jobs, for a net loss of 31,200 jobs for the Province of Ontario.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Top Ten Canadian Christmas Gifts

Whether you are buying a gift for a resident Canadian or an expat, here's a list of suggestions sure to please any Canuck.

10.  Toque. It's get cold here in winter and you need to keep your head warm.  If you are sending your present south, it can always start a fashion trend.

9.  Maple syrup.  What else do you put on pancakes on a cold winter morning but 100% pure Canadian maple syrup.

8.  Skates.  From 2 to 100, everyone needs a pair of skates for their backyard rink.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Migrate, adapt or hibernate? How to deal with Canadian Winters

Well with the first of December came our first snow of the season.  The Weather Channel has begun their updates on ski resorts and sports stores are busy with Christmas shoppers purchasing skis, sleds, snowboards and skates.  When I was young, I loved the snow and wintertime.  There's nothing like building a snowman or having a snowball fight on a snow day.  I remember having no problem getting up early on a school day to listen to the radio, fingers crossed, waiting for my school to be named as a closure.  But alas, as a grown-up, there are no more snow days for me.  So how do we get through the next four(hopefully), or five(more likely) months.   Our choices

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Merry Christmas! Am I allowed to say that?

Black Friday begins the Season of Shopping.  As shoppers rush around looking for the great deals available this weekend, I am at home decorating my house for Christmas and pondering the political correctness that has clouded over the Season of Peace and Giving.
Our city has changed the "Merry Christmas" lights that have lit up our city my entire life to "Seasons Greetings".  There was even talk a few years back to

Sunday, November 18, 2012

If our World is so mobile, why am I still here?

When the temperature starts to drop below 0 (32 for you Americans), the question always enters my mind.  Why do I still live here?  In an age when moving is so easily facilitated by air planes and moving companies,  and corporations have head offices all around the world, why do I choose to stay in Canada?  The idea of transporting myself to somewhere warmer permanently is so attractive and exciting.  And yet here I still am, in the same city, for 40 something years.  My kids are grown and don't need me (just my bank card) and I now have the freedom to go where I want to.  So out comes the notepad to compile my list of pros and cons.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Canadian Melting Pot

As we cheer on Canada in the Olympics, we are drawn to watching and proudly exposing our roots.  Flags fly from homes and cars displaying our heritage.  One of the wonderful things about Canada is being able to enjoy everything this nation has to offer and be able to build communities that represent the culture of our parents.  Both of my parents are from